About easybestell
EasyBestell ist eine umfassende Softwarelösung für Restaurants, die sowohl Business-to-Business- (B2B) als auch Business-to-Consumer-Systeme (B2C) bietet, um Abläufe zu optimieren und den Kundenservice zu verbessern. Diese innovative Plattform integriert verschiedene Funktionen, um das Auftragsmanagement zu optimieren, eine effiziente Kommunikation zu ermöglichen und das gesamte kulinarische Erlebnis zu verbessern.
Manage Online Order
Smart Dashboard to receive & manage all orders from Easybestell ordering App in a single place, Customize your menu & offerings all managed by yourself with just a few clicks, Realize online revenues through fully integrated leading payment portals.
Delivery Management
Make your customers order directly from your restaurantwebsite and apps with the best features of search & filter. Let your customers track their orders and make payments through wallets and cards, so they don't have to worry about delivery ever again.
Manage restaurant easily with easybestell
Engaging and retaining guests
Business under your control
Easy menu and stock management